Thursday, November 8, 2007

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I hope it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yep, I haven't heard from me in awhile. You would think this is the point where I humble myself and say I don't have a good excuse, but that wouldn't be true!

My computer crashed...dead...a fatal blow to every file and program I had. Anyway, the Geek Squad restored it for me so I am now back in business as far as emailing goes.

And then there's this thing called day time minutes. Yep, I would have called, but I ran over my minutes last month and learned an expensive lesson about keeping my yap shut! With the time difference anyone I talk to in Texas or Mass will be daytime minutes. Good news, I've upped my plan so I can gab away (for the most part).

All that to say, I love you dearly I've just been in no-woman's-land as far as communicating goes. I promise I'll be better!

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