Thursday, February 14, 2008


I've been babysitting for the past three days, while my friends are out of town. HOW DO MOTHERS DO IT??!?!?! My back hurts, my feet hurt, I wrote about 1,000 valentine's for Malia's school, we got rear ended in my friends' mini-van (barely -- it's not that bad), I flooded the laundry room and I can't even count how many time outs I've given.

Our time together ended with them getting muddy in the backyard, so I stripped them and hosed them off in the backyard. That's when Nathan wanted to show us he could pee in the backyard. Of course Malia had to do it too. You guessed it, Issac jumped in on the action. I'm proud to say I'm the only one who didn't pee in the backyard today!

I'm off to Texas tomorrow for staff training. I'll be blogging from there for two weeks.

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