Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rosie Thomas

I went to a Rosie Thomas concert last night. Oh, I do love Rosie. It's semi-depressing music with a sweet sound. She's getting married this summer and someone asked her if that meant her music would no longer be depressing. She laughed and said, "oh no, it'll be fine....I'm always depressed."

She's kidding though. It's not quite depressing, she more connects you with the struggle of life and that connection brings a little hope. I just love her music!

Depressing is Teddy Thompson. He followed her in the show. He's a hot brit (I mean really hot) with a old school country/folk sound. Truly OLD SCHOOL -- he sang Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and Ernest a how a hot brit can pull it off is mind blogging. But depressing?!?!? Dude, I see meds in that guy's future!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh how I would have loved to have been there!
I won't forget the Rosie show a few years back (has it really been that long!) where I unashamedly wept through concert!

Miss you!
Love you!